Can You Trust Yourself?
If not, then who will?
Riddle me this…
Can you trust yourself?
Do you follow through with your commitments?
When you tell yourself you’re going to do something, do you do it?
Even behind closed doors when no one’s watching?
The reason I ask is because, if you don’t…
… you’ll never become well-acquainted with success.
Harsh, I know — but it’s true.
If you can’t follow through with the promises you make to yourself, how will you ever follow through with the promises you make to others?
How can you be certain you’ll take care of all your commitments — to your work, to your family, to your friends, and to all your outstanding obligations?
Fact is…
You can’t and you won’t.
Because it all starts with self-discipline…
… and by keeping the promises you make to yourself.
You say you’re going to stop smoking? Then stop smoking.
You say you’re going to eat healthier? Then eat healthier.
You say you’re going to get better every day at that one thing you want to become a master of? Then set aside the time and commit to it every day.
You must begin to hold yourself accountable.
Because even worse than breaking the promises you make to others…
… is breaking the promises you make to yourself.
Why? Because with each broken promise, you steal from your foundation the very faith that gives you courage to pursue your hopes and dreams.
So I ask you again…
Can you trust yourself?
If not, then start rebuilding that trust today.
Halt right there!
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