How Easy Is It to Produce a Piece of Content?
Pretty easy if you do this first
How easy is it to produce a piece of content?
Well, let’s see.
It’s 7:00 pm. My wife is putting our daughter to bed. And I’m sitting in the living room catching up on my article for the day.
Can I get it done and published before my daughter falls asleep?
You bet your sweet little toosh I can.
Because here’s the thing…
I don’t need to show you how to produce a piece of content…
I just need to show you how to get started.
I just need to show you how to TAKE ACTION.
And that won’t be hard.
Why? Because taking action is easy if you follow inspiration.
Here’s what I mean by that:
Whenever you get an idea… or whenever a little lightbulb goes off in your head… or whenever you think of something and say to yourself “Hey, I should try that out!”…
THAT’S the perfect time to act.
THAT’S the perfect time to sit up and do something about it.
Otherwise, the inspiration goes away. The lightbulb goes out. And that ‘idea’ you had vanishes like a shadow in the moonless night, never to be retrieved again.
If you take action immediately…
And start nurturing an idea the moment it comes to you…
You start making progress.
You start building momentum.
And that ‘idea’ you had starts coming to life.
Too often, we try to plan everything we do ahead of time.
But if we wait for inspiration first…
And then act the moment it comes to us…
The content practically creates itself.
Just like it did right now.
It’s now 7:18 pm.
My daughter’s still awake.
Told ya it was easy.
Halt right there!
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