How To Electrify Your Mind & Spirit With A Powerful 10-Minute Mantra Sequence

You’ll be amazed how quickly it changes your life

Daniel P. Donovan
2 min readFeb 7, 2021
Photo by israel palacio on Unsplash

Every morning while making my coffee, I repeat to myself a powerful 10-minute sequence.

This sequence is a mixture of mantras, affirmations, and high-vibrational thoughts that:

  1. Prime my mind and spirit for growth;
  2. Magnetize my mind and spirit for success;
  3. Supercharge my days for maximum potential.

When I’m done repeating this sequence to myself, every fiber of my being feels electrified.

I feel empowered. I feel inspired. I feel motivated, in control, and powerful beyond belief. I am the sole creative force of both my life and my destiny, and every single part of me feels that way.

The hair on my arms stands straight up like a soldier at attention. And from my head to my toes, a wave of goosebumps overwhelm me.

I feel so alive and vibrant, I could likely do without the coffee.

It truly is that powerful. And intoxicating, too.

The fact is…

When my coffee’s finally ready, and I’ve finished my 10-minute mantra sequence, every part of me is charged and ready to GO.

Nothing can stop me.

Nothing can get in my way.

I am supremely powerful — and deep down, I know it.

I bet YOU would like to feel the same.

Well, you can.

The only problem is…

You’ll have to wait another day until I show you how.

Stay tuned.

Morning person? Night owl?

Either way, there’s an untapped fortune lying hidden in your schedule. If you’re finally ready to discover it, click right here and I’ll show you how.

