How to make off like a bandit with stuff that’s already yours
There’s one thing you can (and should) already be doing that increases your chances of getting ahead better than almost everything else.
It’s something so simple, you’ll be shaking your head wondering why the heck you’re only learning about it now.
Untold fortunes can be traced back to it.
The wisest and most successful people in the world swear by it.
Yet, here you are, robbing yourself of its benefits every single day.
Wanna know what the heck I’m talking about?
Simply this…
Pay. Yourself. First.
Most people will trace this back to finances. And they’re not wrong.
If you want to get ahead financially, one of the most important things you can do (if not the most important thing you can do) is pay yourself first.
Money comes in, you save 10% of it, voila! Easy peasy.
Basically, you forget that 10% even exists. And honestly, you won’t even notice it’s gone once you start putting it away.
For example:
Let’s say you make $1,000 a month (you likely make more than that, but for math’s sake, $1,000 is easier to work with).
This means, every month, you set aside $100.
Put it away. Forget about it. Learn to not count on this money for anything.
If you need exactly $1,000/month to survive and there’s no wiggle room to put 10% away — guess what, Skipper? You need to make more money!
This 10% is absolutely essential if you want to start getting ahead.
It’ll grow and grow and grow in the background until you’ve got a nice little chunk of change. Then you can invest it, find ways to make it work for you, I don’t know. I’m not a financial expert and I don’t play one on the Internet.
HOWEVER, even more important than your finances is how you can put this rule to work for you in your day to day life.
Here’s what I mean.
There are things you want to accomplish. Things you want to get better at. Projects you want to complete. Businesses you want to build.
Problem is, you never set aside time to do it.
That changes today.
And it changes today because you’re going to start paying yourself first.
After you wake up (before you do anything else) you’re going to work on your own projects first. Simple as that.
Work on building your side-hustle before you go to your day job.
Spend an hour finishing your painting before you make your breakfast.
Hammer out a few paragraphs of your new book before you start getting the kids ready for school.
It’s really not that hard.
The only thing that makes it hard is when you don’t dedicate the time to get it done. And if you don’t work on your own stuff before everything else, chances are you’ll be too tired to get to it later.
You’ll keep putting it off.
You’ll keep saving it for another day.
You’ll keep giving away all your energy to something else while your dreams and aspirations collect dust and slowly wither away.
Don’t let that happen.
Instead, start paying yourself first.
10% of everything you earn.
The first hour of every day.
That’s it.
Take back what’s already yours and watch how it compounds over time. I can almost guarantee you’ll be shocked by how quickly you start getting ahead.
Halt right there!
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