How to Stop False Beliefs Dead in Their Tracks

And start believing in yourself a little more

Daniel P. Donovan
2 min readMar 23, 2020
Photo by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash

Burping along from yesterday’s article, I promised I would show you some effective ways to make dealing with imposter syndrome a little easier.

In keeping with my promise, here’s #1.

Acknowledge it

First of all, let’s get something straight…

These thoughts of yours are unwarranted and unfounded. Period.

You think you’re not good enough or worthy enough or talented enough to do what you’ve been doing… but why the heck are you here, then?

You must be doing something right… right?

The only problem is that you’re not recognizing that in yourself.

So here’s the deal…

You’ve gotta start acknowledging your worth.

And here’s how you’re gonna do it…

Any time a thought or feeling of fraud pops up in your mind, write it down. Then, once it’s written down, your next step is to write the truth about it.

For example…

Maybe you start thinking “I don’t deserve this promotion.”

So you write that down and start thinking about the truth behind it.

Then, maybe you write down something like this…

“Actually, I do deserve this promotion. I’ve been working my butt off day in and day out to get here. I’ve done extra work at home, I’ve gone the extra mile, I’ve taken courses so I can be more proficient at what I do. I’ve wanted this for so long and I’ve prepared myself to get here. I do deserve this!”

What you’re doing here is reframing your original thought.

You’re training your mind to flip a false belief into its truthful counterpart.

And if you actually follow through with this exercise, what you’re going to find (more often than not) is that you’re much more prepared and deserving than you think you are. You just needed a little kick in the tush to realize it.

When imposter syndrome rears its ugly head, write down the thoughts you’re having about it and then dismantle each one of them with reasons why it’s all just a load of self-imposed BS.

If you do this, I promise your belief in yourself will start to soar.

That’s method #1 for tackling imposter syndrome.

Tomorrow, we’ll tackle #2 — and talk about the most common reason why many people struggle with imposter syndrome in the first place.

Until then, you’re worthy — never forget it.

Halt right there!

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Daniel P. Donovan
Daniel P. Donovan

Written by Daniel P. Donovan

Conceive it. Believe it. Achieve it.

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