Mindset secrets from a courageous little train
One of my all-time favorite books growing up was about a little blue train called The Little Engine That Could.
It wouldn’t be until I was in my twenties that I would finally grasp how important the lesson within that book actually is.
The gist of the story was this:
A toy-filled train was carrying its load from one town to the next. To get to the next town, the train had to climb over a mountain. But its engine failed just as it was making the climb.
Other trains are asked to help get the toys over the mountain. But none of them agree — apparently, the job is too difficult. And for most, a seemingly impossible task.
Finally, a little blue train arrives and agrees to make the climb, even though she’s never made a trip over the mountain before and is well-aware of the challenge ahead of her.
Determined to get the toys to the next town, the little blue train chugs up the mountain repeating the words “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can,” over and over again, until, finally, reaching the other side and delivering the toys to a town of delighted children.
Through sheer belief, the little blue train achieved the impossible.
Henry Ford is credited for saying:
Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.
And truer words have never been spoken.
If you believe you can make something happen, you can and you will.
But if you believe you can’t make something happen, you can’t and you won’t.
Simple as that.
It all starts with a belief.
It all starts with a knowing.
It all starts by looking at your goal and telling yourself “I think I can.”
If you do that — and you continue repeating those words every step of the way — nothing can stop you from reaching your destination.
No mountain is too big to climb.
No goal is too big to achieve.
But first you must hold within your mind,
An unshakeable and immovable belief.
Halt right there!
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