The first thing you should do when you get out of bed
Alright alright aright.
Burping along from yesterday’s article about the single most important thing you can do after getting up in the morning — I wanted to spend the next little while covering the exact morning routine I use to start my day.
This is a morning routine I’ve been slowly building piece by piece over the past couple of years, moving and shifting sections around to make sure everything is done exactly when it needs to be.
This isn’t theory — this is a boots-to-the-ground morning routine that’s slowly earned its keep in my life. And for good reason.
I believe wholeheartedly that plugging into this exact routine is the secret to starting your day on the right foot. Mind, body, and soul recharged. Intentions set. And absolutely kicking ass before you step out the door.
So, where do we begin??
Let’s start right from the moment you wake up and peel yourself out of bed.
The first thing I do when get out of bed is pee. Not part of the routine — it’s just what I do. And I suspect you do the same.
BUT — once I get that out of the way, I immediately drink a glass of water.
Think about it…
Your body is made up of mostly water. You’re basically just a big ol’ water balloon struttin’ around with thoughts and feelings. When you wake up in the morning, it’s likely been 7–8 hours before your last drink. Your body is literally starving for some H20. But most people don’t give their body the goods. Instead, they hop right on the coffee train as quickly as possible.
Sound familiar?
Now, I have nothing against drinking coffee. I sip on that sweet sweet nectar of the Gods almost every morning. What I am saying, however, is that you hold off drinking coffee until a bit later and properly hydrate your body first.
So, first thing after you wake up (and take your morning pee), fill up a glass of water and drink it. Not only is it a nice, cool, hydrating bath for all your organs — it’s also another strategy to keep you awake. And God knows we need as many of those strategies as we can get.
Then, when you’re all hydrated, and your bones aren’t creaking and squeaking all over the the house, you can move on to the actual morning routine.
That’s right, Skipper, we haven’t even got started yet.
A glass of water is only the prerequisite to kick this whole thing off.
The real magic comes next. And it’s an ancient technique that’s been used for thousands of years to boost vitality, inject yourself with boundless energy, and keep the body strong and ready to tackle the day ahead.
Some call it the ‘fountain of youth’ — and as soon as I started doing it, I could tell why. But that’ll have to wait ’til tomorrow.
In the meantime, go pour yourself a glass of water.
We’ll pick up where we left off in the morning.
Halt right there!
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