The Leonardo DiCaprio School of Letting Things Go

Daniel P. Donovan
2 min readJan 2, 2020


Ever see the movie Titanic?

You know, that semi-successful James Cameron movie of the 1990s?

Well, there’s a powerful lesson in that film that, once recognized, can have a dramatic impact on your life.

More specifically, I’m talking about the end of the movie when (SPOILER ALERT) the boat sinks and our unlikely lovers are floating around the ice-cold Atlantic on a piece of wooden debris only big enough for one of them.

Just waiting (and hoping) to be rescued.

But Leo’s character, Jack, knew better.

He knew him and Rose weren’t going to make it.

So he made her let go.

He made her let go and promise to live on for something better.

And that’s exactly what you need to do, as well.

Because here’s the thing…

Aware of it or not, you’re likely carrying a ton of baggage that’s holding you back:

Toxic relationships.

Unfulfilling jobs.

Destructive habits.

Outdated and unproven beliefs.

The list goes on and on.

And you know what?

You have to let it go. All of it.

Because if you don’t, you’ll never create room in your life for something better.

When you hold on and try to keep things exactly as they are, you send a signal out to the universe that says you’re not ready for change. The universe, then, responds the only way it knows how.

With nothing.

No help, no signs, no guidance.

Because that’s what you’re asking for.

You shut off the valve for magic and synchronicity to flow freely.

The solution?

Listen to your heart and let it lead the way. If something is making you feel unhappy or uninspired, let it go. And even though it might thrust you into a world of uncertainty… do it.

Take the leap.

Purge the junk from your life.

Become relentless in the pursuit of letting things go.

And if you’re ever stuck, just ask yourself: “What would Leo say?”

If it’s really holding you back — if it’s really causing you to live ANY less of a life than you deserve — he’d beg you to let it go. He’d hold your hands, look you in the eyes, and make you promise to live on for something better.

Don’t break that promise.

To me, to Leo, or to yourself.

If it’s not helping you grow, you must learn to let it go.

Halt right there!

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Daniel P. Donovan
Daniel P. Donovan

Written by Daniel P. Donovan

Conceive it. Believe it. Achieve it.

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