The main reason you’re not achieving the success you’d like to
You’re focusing on too many things at once.
There — I said it. And it’s likely one of the main reasons (if not, the main reason) why you’re not achieving the success you’d like to.
You’re all over the damn place.
You’ve got your hands in every single cookie jar within reach,
You think you’re doing yourself a favor by keeping your ‘options open,’ but how’s that been working out for you?
When was the last time one of these ‘opportunities’ actually came to fruition?
Never? Thought so.
Don’t get me wrong, I love a good opportunity. But when it takes my focus away from something else I’ve been striving for? No dice. Not a snowball’s chance in hell, my friend.
And that’s an attitude you need to cultivate, as well.
Your focus is a precious commodity. It’s not an unlimited resource.
Each time you dive into something new (while still focusing on everything else) you split that focus into fragments and weaken its intensity.
Something that could have taken you 3 months with single-pointed focus now takes you 3 years… perhaps even more. Or perhaps even never.
The importance of this cannot be understated.
It’s the #1 reason why most people can’t change their lives. They try and they try and they try, and they come up short each time. Then they curse the world and their karma and the government and their past or anything that takes the responsibility off of themselves.
It’s a vicious cycle that leads to nowhere but disappointment.
I get it — I used to love bright and shiny objects, too. I used to get excited about every single opportunity that came my way, thinking this is the thing that’s going to do it. This is the thing that’s going to change my life over night.
Funny how those things always seemed to have a quick payoff…
Hello Instant Gratification!
Putting in work that compounded over a long period of time was just… yuk! Who wants to do that, right?
But this is exactly what needs to be done to get ahead.
Focus on one thing and one thing only.
Put everything into making that a success. If something else comes along that looks attractive to you, sorry. No can do. You haven’t earned the right to explore something else yet.
Stick with one thing long enough until you start seeing results.
Then stick with it even longer until it becomes something you’re proud of.
Your focus and attention will be rewarded, I promise.
But if you break that focus into many pieces, you’re never going to reach your destination.
Halt right there!
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