The untold & life-changing riches you’ve been ignoring all along
Many moons ago, an African farmer was tending to his land.
He had been hearing stories about other farmers who made millions discovering diamond mines on their own properties.
Excited at the prospect of his securing his own fortune, he could hardly wait to sell his farm and go hunting for diamonds himself.
So he sold his farm and spent the rest of his life traveling the African continent, searching (unsuccessfully) for the “gleaming gems” that had brought such an abundance of riches to so many others.
Worn out, tired and defeated, the now old man, with nothing to show for himself, threw himself into a river and was never heard of again.
Meanwhile, back on his old farm, the new owner happened to be crossing a stream on the property. Suddenly, a bright flash of blue and red from the stream bottom caught his eye. He bent down, picked up a shimmering stone, and took it home to put on his mantle to admire.
Several weeks later, a visitor picked up the stone, inspected it, felt the weight in his hand and nearly fainted.
“Do you have any idea what you’ve found here?!”
“No, not at all. I found it in the stream a few hundred feet behind us. Thought it was a beautiful looking crystal that would look good on the mantle.”
Shocked and in awe, the visitor told him he had found one of the largest diamonds ever discovered.
“That can’t be possible — there are countless stones just like that back there. Perhaps not as big as that one, but certainly scattered generously throughout the stream.”
And just like that, the farm the first farmer had sold — so that he might find his own diamond mine — turned out to be one of the most productive diamond mines on the entire African continent.
The first farmer had owned, free and clear, acres of diamonds, but had sold them for practically nothing in order to look for them elsewhere.
If only he had taken the time to study and prepare himself… to thoroughly explore the property he owned… to inspect every inch of the land he was already standing on… all of his wildest dreams would have come true.
And so it is in your own life.
For each of us, right now, could be standing in our own acres of diamonds.
But that means we have to be diligent and steadfast in our pursuit to find those riches first. We have to thoroughly explore ourselves and our current endeavours before we go looking somewhere else.
Whatever it is you’re currently engaged in… whatever work you’re doing or aspire to do… make sure to thoroughly inspect every inch of what that opportunity has to offer before surrendering it all for something else.
There are untold riches already within you (and perhaps in what you’re doing)— but you’ll never have a chance in finding them if you keep moving from one opportunity to the next.
Before you give up on anything, make sure you’ve thoroughly explored yourself and every aspect of the work you’re doing first. If you don’t, you may find that you’ve left your own acre of diamonds behind you.
Halt right there!
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