Things You CAN Control Right Now [Part V]
The most important thing of all
Today we wrap up the series with Things You CAN Control [Part V].
And, of course, I’ve saved the most important lesson for last.
Your own attitude
Many people don’t know this but…
Every day, you get to decide what kind of day you’re going to have… and you do this by adjusting your own attitude to meet your expectations.
That’s right, your attitude is entirely within your control — and it’s actually the single-most important determinant of how you’ll feel throughout the day.
Have a bad attitude? Expect a bad day.
Have a good attitude? Expect a good day.
Have a great attitude? You got it — expect a GREAT day.
It never fails.
Problem is…
Most people let their attitude run on autopilot — and as a result, they react unconsciously to everything that happens around them. This is by far the easiest way to get swept up in all the doom and gloom.
You don’t want that.
Instead, you have to make a conscious decision about the kind of day you’re going to have the moment you get out of bed.
You have to tell yourself…
No matter what happens today, I’m going to respond with patience, strength and poise — nothing in the world will bring me down or frighten me. I am the master of my domain and I am committed to having the best day I possibly can.
If you repeat those words to yourself each and every morning — and repeat them with conviction — I’m confident your day will be infinitely better than than it could have ever been before.
Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself and see.
What have you got to lose?
And so concludes Things You CAN Control [Part V] — the last and final installment in the series.
Tomorrow, we’ll recap everything we’ve learned and finally move on with the rest of our lives.
Thanks for tagging along.
Halt right there!
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