Two life-changing lessons you should always remember
Life isn’t always a walk in the park.
In fact, it seems the older you get, the more you have to deal with weird worries and anxieties that seemingly rear their ugly heads out of nowhere.
Something that never bothered or affected you in the past now holds this strange dominion over your life — and you have no idea what the hell happened to make it that way.
But even with all this confused chaos, there’s a couple things you should always remember. Consider them a beacon of light whenever you’re feeling lost and need some direction.
And away we go!
The past can’t be changed
Tried it. Didn’t work. Got the awkward stares to prove it.
What’s done is done, okay? You have to accept that and move on with your life. No amount of rumination is going to change what’s already happened.
People spend way too much time in regret… they get consumed thinking about all the things they wish they could have done differently.
Don’t do that to yourself.
Regret is the single biggest waste of a person’s time and energy.
Instead, take the lessons from you past and find a way to apply them to your life today. You may not be able to change the past — but you can certainly use it’s wisdom to change the future.
Your thoughts affect your mood
Let me ask you something…
When someone says “How are you today?”… how do you respond?
Do you give ‘em the ol’ “Not bad, you?”…
Or do you look ‘em in the eye and say “I’m absolutely kicking ass!”
If you’re inclined to go with the former, then chew on this little…
Each day you get out of bed, you get to decide right then and there what type of attitude you want to carry throughout your day. If you don’t decide right then and there, then your dominating thoughts will make the choice for you.
In many cases, these dominating thoughts are toxic as hell — which leads to a lousy, uninviting and toxic attitude. You know what I’m talking about because you see people like this every day. You might even be one of them.
But don’t be that person.
Instead, recognize that your dominating thoughts are what determines your mood and then consciously choose to focus on the good ones.
When your dominating thoughts are all happy, inspiring, motivating, uplifting and joyful… your personality and demeanor will be the same.
Be someone who’s always ‘kicking ass’ in your mind and watch as your mood shifts from blah to BAM! in the blink of an eye.
There’s enough to deal with in life already.
And if you let yourself be consumed by the past or the negative and destructive thoughts that constantly seek harbor in your mind — you’ll make things so much harder than they have to be.
Instead, keep these lessons in mind and reflect on them as often as you can.
If you do, I promise things will start getting easier. And no, life won’t always be a walk in the park — but no one said you weren’t allowed to skip :)
Halt right there!
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