Why Bad Things Always Happen to You

And an easy way to make it stop

Daniel P. Donovan
2 min readMay 15, 2020
Photo by Jonathan Rados on Unsplash

Behold this powerful quote from one of my all-time favorite books, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill:

“Do not expect troubles as they have a tendency to not disappoint.”

And the reason I find this quote so powerful is because it highlights a very common problem I see a lot of people making when it comes to manifesting their desires. Namely this…

They expect the best yet dwell on the worst.

The key word there being dwell.

Because here’s the thing…

When you dwell on something, you’re inadvertently assuming the energy of that which you’re dwelling on — and when that dwelling focuses on the negative, it can easily become a source of worry. And that worry, in turn, then becomes anxiety… which can then manifest in a host of negative ways.

Obviously, that’s not an optimal situation.

Even worse?

This “dwelling on the negative” creates a condition that can only attract the same type of energy — which, in this case, is a mix of worry, anxiety, and ultimately, fear.

This is not good.

Because here’s the thing…

The Law of Attraction only works when something is felt and emotionalized.

Meaning if you expect the best, yet you dwell on the worst (and feel anxiety, worry, fear, etc over it), what you’re actually emotionalizing is the bad and not the good. The Universe, then, responds the only way it knows how…

By giving you more of that which you’ve emotionalized — which in this case is the worry, anxiety, and fear that you’ve been dwelling on.

Stop doing this to yourself.

Instead, expect something great to happen — and then do your best to emotionalize those expectations with joy, excitement, and enthusiasm.

If you do that — and you do it consistently — you’ll begin shift your thoughts from fear into something much more favorable.

And when that happens, you’ll open the door for all of your desires to start flowing effortlessly into your life.

Halt right there!

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Daniel P. Donovan
Daniel P. Donovan

Written by Daniel P. Donovan

Conceive it. Believe it. Achieve it.

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