Why You’ll Never Achieve Your Goals
And exactly what to do about it
You have a goal.
It’s something you’ve wanted to achieve for quite some time.
You’ve thought about it. You’ve yearned for it. And you’ve actively convinced yourself it’s a goal worth striving for.
Only problem is…
You haven’t made any progress yet.
Day after day, the goal sits on a shelf in your mind and collects dust.
You tell yourself you’re too busy.
You tell yourself you’ll get to it later.
You tell yourself not to worry — it’ll all come with time.
But the reality is…
… it won’t.
You don’t get something from nothing.
You never have and you never will.
The solution?
You have to make a plan.
That’s the best kept secret to fulfilling your desires.
One of the reasons you never accomplish your goals is because you’ve left them to be this massive undertaking — and every time you think about the goal, you have no idea where to start.
It’s confusing and intimidating — and rightfully so.
Therefore, you settle within your comfort zone and end up doing nothing.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Instead, all you have to do is break your goal into smaller, more manageable pieces and then make a plan to tackle each individual piece.
For example…
Let’s say you want to build a website for yourself, but you’ve been putting it off for God only knows how long because you have no idea where to start.
Finally, you say enough is enough, it’s time to build the damn thing.
So you start breaking the goal into smaller pieces.
First, you need to decide what the website’s going to be called…. then you have to see if the domain name is available… then you have to write the content to launch the site… then you have to decide how you want it to look… then you have to find someone to build it, etc.
Now, instead of listing your goal like this:
- Create a website for myself
You can list it like this:
- Pick a name for my website
- See if that domain is available
- If available, purchase domain
- Write About Page for website
- Write article(s) for website launch
- Choose colors and design elements
- Find someone to build website
See how much less intimidating that looks?
It’s basically a roadmap leading you towards success…
… and all you have to do is start from the top and cross off each task as you finish it, knowing full well that as you complete each task, you’re making serious progress toward the end result.
Best part?
With each completed task, you gain more and more momentum — and as you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, you gain more and more motivation to actually see it through.
Funny how that works, right?
But that only happens when you feel like you’re making progress.
So here’s what you need to do…
Break your goal into manageable pieces, make a plan to tackle each individual piece, and then stick to that plan as thoroughly as you can.
If you do that, your progress is almost certainly guaranteed.
And soon enough, that big ol’ goal of yours won’t look so big, after all.
Now go ahead and make your plan…
… and then do your best to see it through.
Halt right there!
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